im体育APP是最大的独立提供商 材料测试 为全球航空航天业提供服务.
我们的全球网络有29个 Nadcap认证 和 航空航天 supplier-approved 航空航天材料试验 laboratories together with our highly experienced team of 航空航天材料测试 Experts, provide a comprehensive range of 材料测试 服务.
我们的航空航天材料测试服务包括 疲劳测试 和 断裂力学,张力和压缩,冲击和 硬度测试, 应力断裂和蠕变试验 对金属, 镍和钛合金, 铝, 超合金, 陶瓷基复合材料, 聚合物基复合材料, 弹性体, 塑料, 和粘合剂.
Whether you are developing new material or new applications for existing material, im体育APP's 从事专家 have the expertise 和 access to state-of-the-art laboratories required to complete projects including material characterization, 材料寿命预测, validation projects such as VSE or first article.
By having local access to our global platform of experts 和 resources, im体育APP helps deliver the certainty you need to transition from R&从D到生产.
We underst和 you need a strategic testing partner with the capacity, 能力, credentials to meet challenging deadlines 和 quality requirements of production in the 航空航天 sector. 配备具有深厚im体育平台app下载知识的专家, our Nadcap-approved 材料测试 laboratories are constantly improving 和 innovating our technical 和 operational excellence, directly 影响ing how quickly 和 efficiently we deliver to you.
im体育APP has the experts to help you manage 和 resolve any material or product failure problems that you have. Our experienced team of scientists 和 engineers has hundreds of ‘man years’ in carrying out detailed 故障分析 除了提供 金相, 调查化学服务; 残留分析, 专家证人 服务.
im体育APP has over 80 years of experience in both commercial 和 military aerospace testing 和 dedicates over 3,000 technicians, engineers, scientists dedicated to the sector.
Our 航空航天材料试验 specialists consistently deliver certainty to you by delivering high-quality data, 测试报告, certificates that you can rely on when deciding about your materials application 和 compliance programs. They will work closely with you to advise you on the best testing 和 certification programs to apply in relation to your specific requirements.
航空航天 材料测试 that delivers certainty for our customers, to request a quote, 立即im体育APP.
im体育APP has one of the most comprehensive range of 材料测试 服务 for the aerospace sector. 点击下面的链接了解更多
了解im体育APP的张力, 伸长, 压缩, 影响, 断裂韧性, 压力, 破裂, 乏力, 硬度, 磨损 & wear, bend, pressure, shear 和 torque testing 服务.
Find out about the range of NDT 服务 im体育APP uses to evaluate the properties of a material, 部分, 产品, 焊接, or systems without materially affecting the integrity of the items being tested.
Find out how im体育APP test key structures within aircraft, 在静态和动态运行负荷下, to assess the 影响 of 乏力 和 to determine accurate in-service life predictions for these structures.
im体育APP's laboratories help customers characterize the properties 和 behaviors of materials 和 components using varying loads, 速度, environmental conditions to create predictive patterns of future behavior.
im体育APP delivers industry-leading tensile testing 服务 for a wide range of metallic, 聚合物, other advanced materials to the 航空航天 和 other industry sectors.
im体育APP's laboratories use a variety of micro-indentation 和 macro-indentation testing methods to determine the 硬度 of a material to deformation.
Find out how im体育APP uses a variety of 压力 破裂 和 creep test methods to assess the effect of long term 压力 on metals, 复合材料和一系列其他先进材料.
Find out how im体育APP tests individual fasteners 和 fastening systems in high volumes, with reliable results to consistently meet the exacting dem和s of the 航空航天 sector.
Find out how im体育APP are leading the way in creating reliable 和 repeatable new test programs that deliver accurate results for the early adopters of additive manufacturing in 航空航天 和 other leading industry sectors.
We offer world-class materials expertise in polymers, 弹性体, 热塑性塑料, 复合材料, 结构粘合剂. With a global reach of coatings laboratories in the UK, 美国, 欧洲, 和亚洲, im体育APP provides a comprehensive range of coatings testing 服务 to the 能源, 航空航天, 国防, 及运输界别.
Find out about the complete range of Charpy 影响 testing 服务 that area available from im体育APPs worldwide network of accredited laboratories.
Our aerospace testing experts help companies characterize their CMC materials 和 develop their 产品 with the properties needed for lightweight 和 extreme high-temperature applications.
Find out how im体育APP's chemistry teams work with our customers to identify the contents, composition 和 quality of materials they develop 和 manufacture.